Alison MacDonald 21st May 2024

I first met Iain when he came into my barber shop in Oban, he was such an interesting man and we had the best blether. Over the next few months we grew to know one another and exchanged many tales and stories. He became one of the customers I looked forward to seeing. Iain would talk of his path to Oban and his family on Lewis, and how proud he was of his children. It was a few months into us meeting that my mum fell very unwell, she had been brought up in the Free Church and wanted to have a connection in her last days. I reached out to Iain and he was amazing, he didn’t only support me but visited my mum, had a beautiful half hour with her, a prayer with my daughter and I, and supported me through everything. His support and kindness help me through the hardest of times and I will always hold his friendship close, it is the same as ever was.